
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Eric Khoo's Be with Me not Foreign Enough

AMPAS has disqualified Singapore's entry for the Best Foreign Language Film Award - Eric Khoo's Be With Me, citing that the film is predominantly in the English language, and thus not eligible to be considered a foreign language film.

There have always been criticisms about the Foreign Language Film award as being nit-picking and draconian. Frankly, what AMPAS should be awarding their Oscars to are foreign films, much like what the Golden Globe does. AMPAS further restricts only one entry per country, making the selection process determined more by the individual national film boards. This has led to calls of country's film selection as being too political i.e. China's notoriously barring Zhang Yimou's films from competing, and commercial when national film boards select films based on their marketability oversees and visibility rather than on merit. This is also in ignorance of the global trend of multinational film productions with talents from all over the world working on a same film stage.

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