My 2005 in Pictures

Top Row (L to R):
1. 2005 started off with a bang. I partied like there was no tomorrow on my 25th birthday. I got so drunk that I did not remember getting a penis enlarger pump as a present. But obviously as seen from the picture, I was very happy to receive it.
2. Spring Break 2005 saw me hopped into Costa Rica with a bunch of friends who were to become some of my closest buddies in college. It was undoubtedly my best Spring Break ever.
3. We celebrated David's birthday too in convivial drunken fashion. He was my roommate in my final year in school and has become one of my best friends, favorite travel-mate and partner-in-crime.
2nd Row (L to R):
4. Graduation came and went in a blink of an eye. Four years of education culminated in 10 hours of ceremony, 2 degrees and 1 very tired senior.
5. After school ended, I embarked on an Amtrak trip across the United States. The journey took me to San Antonio, Orlando, Miami and New Orleans (in the picture) before it became a watery grave.
6. Back in LA, I managed to spend time with some of my American friends whom I have known the longest in the States. It was sad to say goodbye.
3rd Row (L to R)
7. My farewell party was a bittersweet affair organized by some of my friends. The Asian stripper aside, it was a sobering time for me.
8. I returned to Singapore in July and felt good to be home. The trees outside my window have grown much since my last stay more than a year and a half ago.
9. Starting work means getting used to new working environment and meeting new people. Being in the Recreational Committee and putting up events like Halloween help to break up the monotony of office life.
Last Row (L to R)
10. The view from my cubicle is rather decent. Staring out of the window gives my eyes their much needed break and constantly reminds me that I am back in the real world that is Singapore.
11. Having been away for so long, I have drifted apart from many of my old friends. The BFC, formed by a healthy bunch of new staff at my office, helps to keep the boredom away.
12. 2005 marks a new chapter in my life as I start my career in urban planning. The Lim Chu Kang planning area is like my little baby, as I try to apply what I have learnt in school to the real world.
Hopefull 2006 will be just as eventful and colorful as the past year.
1 planning advice given:
At 9:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
nice helmet!
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